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  • Dataset

    The subTHz regime, first Results on channel measurement: : 170-260 GHz (nearl...

    The measurements have been conducted using a Keysight PNA Vector Analyzer connected to a pair of VDI Extenders for the frequency bands) 170-260 GHz (nearly G-band). IF...
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    The subTHz regime, first Results on channel measurement: 75-110 GHz (W-band)

    The measurements have been conducted using a Keysight PNA Vector Analyzer connected to a pair of VDI Extenders for the frequency bands 75-110 GHz (W-band). IF bandwidth has...
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  • Dataset

    Spotify Tracks Dataset (full)

    The dataset is created exploiting the Spotify API and the tracks id provided by the authors of https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/maharshipandya/-spotify-tracks-dataset.... The...
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  • Dataset

    Spotify track dataset (small)

    The dataset is created exploiting the Spotify API and the tracks id provided by the authors of https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/maharshipandya/-spotify-tracks-dataset.... The...
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  • Dataset

    Air Quality Datasets over L'Aquila Region

    These datasets have been collected through ESA, CeTEMPS and ARTA. They are a work-in-progress deliverable of a virtual laboratory (VL-Disaster) in the context of the SoBigData.
  • Method

    Reducing radicalizism in social networks by feeds prioritization - Rebalancin...

    Code and description of the methodology of the paper "Rebalancing Social Feed to Minimize Polarization and Disagreement" funded by SoBigData ++
  • Dataset

    Synthetic Datasets for Fine-Grained Fairness Analysis of Abusive Language Det...

    Three synthetic datasets covering different types of bias grouped by target, namely sexism, racism and ableism. The reason for distinguishing the records by abuse targets is...
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  • Dataset


    The GiveMeSomeCredit dataset - https://www.kaggle.com/c/GiveMeSomeCredit - contains different features of borrowers. The task is predicting the financial distress of a...
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  • Dataset

    Synthetic Dataset for Causal Analysis

    The dataset is a synthetic version of the well-known German Credit dataset (https://archive.ics.uci.edu/dataset/144/statlog+german+credit+data). It includes variables such as...
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  • Dataset

    FANCY Dataset

    (NLI) FANCY (FActivity, Negation, Common-sense, hYpernimy) is a new dataset with 4000 sentence pairs concerning complex linguistic phenomena such as factivity, negation,...
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  • Dataset

    Santorini Tweets July-August 2021

    This dataset contains 225.501 tweets written by 141.277 users. These tweets are geolocated in Santorini, or they contain the word or the hashtag "santorini" in the text. They...
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  • Dataset

    World Trade Web_2020

    Weighted, directed adjacency matrix of the World Trade Web in the year 2020
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    Private Post-earthquake Reconstruction Progress Datasets over L'Aquila City

    Reconstruction data sets, provided by the National Public Entities of USRA and USRC. These data sets are stored in CSV files and provide comprehensive information related to...
  • Dataset

    Carbon Trade Network_2020

    Weighted, directed adjacency matrix of the Carbon Trade Network in the year 2020
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    Carbon Trade Network_2000

    Weighted, directed adjacency matrix of the Carbon Trade Network in the year 2000
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  • Dataset

    Synthetic Mobility Purpose Dataset

    A synthetically generated dataset representing purpose-of-motion data in the format of individual mobility networks.
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    Private Italian Thesaurus for Tourism domain

    An Italian thesaurus in the domain of the Tourism, counting 2,684 concepts, organized according to semantic relationships (equivalence, hierarchical and associative). The...
  • Dataset

    Lexical networks from Polish news articles

    The dataset includes lexical networks centered on keywords related to migration. The networks are built starting from Polish news articles extracted from the dataset described...
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  • Dataset

    Semantic Networks from news articles (Danish sample)

    The Semantic Networks from news articles (Danish sample) contains semantic networks for a sample of migration-related news articles extracted from the dataset described in...
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  • Dataset

    Lexical networks from Lithuanian news articles

    The dataset includes lexical networks centered on keywords related to migration. The networks are built starting from Lithuanian news articles extracted from the dataset...
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