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    Private Vegetation of a basin of the Po river Dataset

    We provide two climatological dataset composed by D = 136 (with 1038 samples) and D = 1991 (with 981 samples) continuous climatological features and a scalar target, which...
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    Private Dynamical Linear Upper Confidence Bound (DynLin-UCB)

    The repository contains the code to run DynLin-UCB (Dynamical Linear Upper Confidence Bound). DynLin-UCB is an optimistic regret-minimization algorithm that can be used to...
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    Private EnviroStream

    This repository contains datasets, queries and a generator for the EnviroStream, a benchmark for Stream Reasoning (SR) systems. SR focuses on applying inference to dynamic...
  • Dataset

    Italian Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV)

    This dataset contains 5M pairs of Italian tender descriptions and the corresponding Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) code. The data are downloaded from the ANAC website...
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    This dataset is obtained by automatically translating the dolly 15k dataset. The dolly-15k dataset is an open-source dataset of instruction-following records generated by...
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    EVALITA 2020 HT

    This dataset is obtained by transforming the training and test data of the two EVALITA tasks into an LLM prompt following a template. The tasks involved are AMI2020 (misogyny...
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    Private Battery State of Health in smart grids Dataset

    Smart Grids are the evolution of traditional electric grids and allow two-way flows of electricity and information between different actors. At the edge of this network,...
  • Dataset

    Supporting data for "CoVEffect: Interactive System for Mining the Effects of ...

    This repository contains the datasets created and extracted for the paper: Giuseppe Serna García, Ruba Al Khalaf, Francesco Invernici, Stefano Ceri, and Anna Bernasconi. 2022....
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    Multi-Task Faces (MTF) dataset

    The Multi-Task Faces (MTF) dataset consists of cropped human faces for classification tasks or other research purposes. Each image in the dataset is labelled according to four...
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    Private Highway driving simulation

    The SUMO simulator is used to model scenarios with diferent road topologies and traffc intensities, randomizing the fow of vehicles, to ensure the generation of sufciently...
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    Private Cybersecurity NER dataset

    Our dataset is created by merging APTNER and CyNER datasets, containing 13601 sentences, 347779 tokens, and 37684 entities. The split ratio was roughly 70% for training and...
  • Dataset

    Know your trees dataset

    A set of images of urban trees in Tortona specifically focusing on images of trees, leaves, bark and habits along with general information, taxonomy, and selected biometric...
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    Private Twitter users retweet

    The dataset was collected using the tweepy API (http://docs.tweepy.org), a Python library for accessing the Twitter API. We selected 14 Twitter accounts, and we obtained all...
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    Private Protein-Ligand Interaction Graphs for Affinity Studies

    The dataset contains a clean version of the data retrieved from PDBBind in the work of Volkov et al. (2022) that can be used for machine learning-based studies for compound...
  • Method

    Online Learning of Order Flow and Market Impact (OLOFMI)

    This library performs regime detection in the aggregated order flow time-series and market impact analysis. The required input file is in the format of the message file of the...
  • Method

    Score-Driven Bayesian Online Change Point Detection (SD-BOCPD)

    This code deals with Bayesian online detection in univariate time-series of changepoints, i.e. abrupt variations in the generative parameters of a data, and regimes, i.e....
  • Method


    Privlib is a Python software package to manage privacy risk and discrimination in tabular and sequential data. It comprises methods to assess privacy risk (PRUDEnce) and...
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    Last.Fm UK User Graph Dataset: A Social Network and Music Listening Behavior ...

    The Last.Fm UK User Graph Dataset is a comprehensive collection of social network and music listening behavior data obtained from the Last.Fm platform. The dataset includes user...
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    Private A Decade of Reddit Politics: Comprehensive Dataset on User Political Leanings...

    "A Decade of Reddit Politics: Comprehensive Dataset on User Political Leanings and Interaction Networks (2011-2021)" is a comprehensive dataset containing a 10 years long...
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    Gene Disease Association Data and Features

    This dataset contains data that can be used for disease gene discovery purposes. The data cover ten different diseases with associated seed genes (derived from DisGeNET) and...
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