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  • Dataset

    Conversational search dataset with labels

    CAsT 2019 data is split into two files one for training and the other one for testing. - Training set: CAsT 2019 conversations from training set and from test set without...
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  • Method

    Download mobility data with scikit-mobility

    The data module of scikit-mobility provides users with an easy way to: 1) Download ready-to-use mobility data (e.g., trajectories, flows, spatial tessellations, and auxiliary...
  • Method

    Full Network Embedding

    Implements a method of transfer learning for feature extraction including both convolutional and fully connected layers of a neural network.
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    Twitter Monitor Library for Twitter API v2

    A library to ease the creation and management of social media listening campaigns using the Twitter API v2.
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    Retweet cascade estimation and analysis

    A collection of scripts for the estimation and analysis of a "retweet cascade", i.e., the tree structure describing how the original tweet was spread by retweeters.
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  • Dataset

    MAMe dataset

    The MAMe dataset ia an image classification dataset with remarkable high resolution and variable shape properties. The goal of MAMe is to provide a tool for studying the...
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  • Dataset

    A dataset of gamers on Twitter

    This gaming-related dataset consists of 8932 users (labeled as gamers) engaging in game-related conversations. We have collected (June 2018) their timeline (the most recent 3200...
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  • Dataset

    Learning to quantify: LeQua 2022 datasets

    The aim of LeQua 2022 (the 1st edition of the CLEF “Learning to Quantify” lab) is to allow the comparative evaluation of methods for “learning to quantify” in textual...
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  • Dataset

    Product Reviews for Ordinal Quantification

    This data set comprises a labeled training set, validation samples, and testing samples for ordinal quantification. It appears in our research paper "Ordinal Quantification...
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  • Dataset

    Cherenkov Telescope Data for Ordinal Quantification

    This labeled data set is targeted at ordinal quantification. It appears in our research paper "Ordinal Quantification Through Regularization", which we have published at...
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  • Dataset

    VaxxHesitancy: A Dataset for Studying Hesitancy Towards COVID-19 Vaccination ...

    We create a publicly available dataset of over 3,100 COVID-19 vaccine-related tweets labeled as one of four stance categories: pro-vaxx, anti-vaxx, vaxx-hesitant, or...
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  • Dataset

    Ukraine-related Disinformation Dataset

    Ukraine-related disinformation dataset from "Comparative Analysis of Engagement, Themes, and Causality of Ukraine-Related Debunks and Disinformation" (accepted at SocInfo...
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  • Dataset

    Ego Networks of Words in Twitter

    This set of dataframes were used in our last paper : Ollivier K, Boldrini C, Passarella A, Conti M (2022) Structural invariants and semantic fingerprints in the “ego network”...
  • Dataset

    Cross-Lingual Dataset of Crisis-Related Social Media

    If you use this dataset, please cite the following paper: Fedor Vitiugin, Carlos Castillo: Cross-Lingual Query-Based Summarization of Crisis-Related Social Media: An Abstractive...
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  • Dataset

    Dataset for Evaluating Abstractive Summaries of Crisis-Related Social Media

    The dataset created for evaluation of summaries generated from social media posted during five natural disasters. The dataset contains: ground truth reports created by human...
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  • Method

    Attributed Sream Hypergraphs

    ash_model is a Python software package that allows to represent and analyze dynamic hypergraphs enriched with node attributes.
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    Private Morningness–eveningness assessment from mobile phone communication analysis

    Human behaviour follows a 24-h rhythm and is known to be governed by the individual chronotypes. Due to the widespread use of technology in our daily lives, it is possible to...
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    Private Human-agent coordination in a group formation game

    Coordination and cooperation between humans and autonomous agents in cooperative games raise interesting questions on human decision making and behaviour changes. Here we report...
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    Private Ecology of the digital world of Wikipedia

    Wikipedia, a paradigmatic example of online knowledge space is organized in a collaborative, bottom-up way with voluntary contributions, yet it maintains a level of reliability...