4 items found

Types: Dataset Tags: Ethics

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  • Dataset

    Multi-Task Faces (MTF) dataset

    The Multi-Task Faces (MTF) dataset consists of cropped human faces for classification tasks or other research purposes. Each image in the dataset is labelled according to four...
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  • Dataset

    Synthetic Dataset for Causal Analysis

    The dataset is a synthetic version of the well-known German Credit dataset (https://archive.ics.uci.edu/dataset/144/statlog+german+credit+data). It includes variables such as...
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  • Dataset

    Papers on Gender Bias in Academic Promotions

    This dataset contains the result of a systematic mapping study conducted to analyse how the issue of gender bias in academic promotions has been addressed by the literature....
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  • Dataset

    Interaction bias. Experiments dataset

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly used to build Decision Support Systems (DSS) across many domains. In our work, we conducted a series of experiments designed to...
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