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Organisations: SoBigData Services and Products Tags: Mobility mining Types: Method

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  • Method

    Prediction of next career moves from scientific profiles

    This is a two-stage predictive model for the mobility of scientists. First, data mining is used to predict which researcher will move in the next year on the basis of their...
  • Method

    Ground truth evaluation of home location detection algorithms

    Inferring mobile phone users' home location, i.e., assigning a location in space to a user based on data generated by the mobile phone network, is a central task in leveraging...
  • Method

    Influence of missing RR-Intervals caused by motion artifacts on HRV features ...

    Wearable physiological monitors have become increasingly popular, often worn during people’s daily life, collecting data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the last decade,...
  • Method

    Nowcasting well-being with human mobility data

    This method describes an analytical framework to nowcast well-being by using mobility measures extracted from mobile phone data.
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    Private TraffiCO2: a simulative framework to assess navigation systems' impact on CO2...

    TraffiCO2 is a simulation framework to assess the impact of GPS navigation apps on urban well-being in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. TraffiCO2 uses GPS data to...
  • Method

    Analysis of GPS data to assess changes in mobility routines during the COVID-...

    Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions (NPIs), aimed at reducing the diffusion of the COVID-19 pandemic, have dramatically influenced our everyday behaviour. In this experiment, we...
  • Method

    Generating Synthetic Mobility Networks with Generative Adversarial Networks

    The increasingly crucial role of human displacements in complex societal phenomena, such as traffic congestion, segregation, and the diffusion of epidemics, is attracting the...
  • Method

    Deep Gravity model

    Deep Gravity is an effective model to generate flow probabilities that exploits many features (e.g., land use, road network, transport, food, health facilities) extracted from...
  • Method

    Analysis of changes in visits to public venues during the COVID-19 pandemic

    The non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), aimed at reducing the diffusion of the COVID-19 pandemic, has dramatically influenced our behaviour in everyday life. We developed...
  • Method

    STS-EPR - Trajectory generator

    Modelling human mobility is crucial in several scientific areas, from urban planning to epidemic modeling, traffic forecasting, and what-if analysis. Existing models focus on...
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  • Method

    GeoSim - Trajectory generator (integration in scikit-mobility)

    GeoSim, proposed by Toole et al. [1], is a mechanistic generative model for human mobility. GeoSim takes into account the social dimension between individuals during the...
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  • Method

    Exploration of time use by citizens based on their movement tracks

    This resource consists of a visual analytics framework and a set of supporting tools for deriving place meaning and reconstructing personal mobility diaries from episodic...
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  • Method

    MyWay - Trajectory Prediction

    MyWay is a prediction system which exploits the individual systematic behaviors modeled by mobility profiles to predict human movements. MyWay provides three strategies: the...
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  • Method


    It is a general method to determine the influence of social and mobility behavior over a specific geographical area in order to evaluate to what extent the current...
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    Carpooling, i.e., the act where two or more travelers share the same car for a common trip, is one of the possibilities brought forward to reduce traffic and its...
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  • Method

    Origin Destination Matrix Computation

    This method provides the sql-postgis query to calculate the Origin-Destination matrix starting from a geometry table and a set of GPS trajectories. This kind of matrix, which...
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  • Method

    Carpooling Network Analysis

    Our method analyzes the potential impact of carpooling as a collective phenomenon emerging from people׳s mobility, by network analytics. Based on big mobility data from...
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  • Method

    Matlas - Trajectory Builder

    Trajectory Builder is an Algorithm to reconstruct trajectories from spatio-temporal observation according to specific user constraints.
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    Mobility Profile

    This algorithm allows to create a mobility profile of the users' mobility. A mobility profile is a set of representative trips selected from the entire set of trips of a user.
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  • Method

    Diary-based Trajectory Generator

    Ditras (DIary-based TRAjectory Simulator) is a framework to simulate the spatio-temporal patterns of human mobility. It operates in two steps: the generation of a mobility...