43 items found

Licenses: Academic Free License 3.0 Groups: Health Studies

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  • Dataset

    Human and mouse gene regulatory networks

    The dataset was built by considering gene expression data related to 6 different organs (liver, lung, brain, skin, bone marrow, heart), obtained by control samples available...
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  • Dataset

    Stroke and sepsi

    The considered stroke dataset (DOI:10.17632/x8ygrw87jw.1, DOI:10.1016/j.artmed.2019.101723) was pre-processed by removing attributes with more than 30% missing values, by...
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    Private Identified CNVs from whole exome sequencing data of BRCA1/2 negative breast c...

    This dataset offers a comprehensive analysis of Copy Number Variations (CNVs) identified in Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) data from patients with breast cancer who tested...
  • Experiment

    Prognostic stratification of patients with differentiated thyroid cancer

    Proper risk stratification of patients with differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) is essential to avoid both unnecessary diagnostic procedures in low-risk patients and clinical...
  • Experiment

    A comparison of approaches for type-2 diabetes treatment

    This experiment compares the performance of some GNN-based approaches for predicting the therapy recommended to type-2 diabetes patients
  • Method

    Gene-specific regularization for COPD partial-correlation estimation

    We introduce a gene-specific regularization factor when computing the Partial Correlation score to make the indeterminate regression feasible. We decided to slightly modify...
  • Method

    A New Topological Approach for the Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions

    We propose, Maximum-Proteins-Similarity(Topological)": MPS(T). MPS(T) is a topological three-length path method that scores the potential interaction between proteins by...
  • Method

    A hybrid approach for PPI

    We propose a new framework that can exploit topological and biological information to predict protein-protein interactions. The algorithm relies on the underlying hypothesis...
  • Method

    EpiCID: A framework for discovering interactions between SNPs

    Epistatic interactions (EIs) of gene loci often determine complex trait phenotypes. EIs may indicate the underlying molecular mechanisms of multifactorial traits and diseases....
  • Dataset

    Thyroid-cancer patients

    The data used originate from the web-based database of the Italian Thyroid Cancer Observatory (ITCO), opened in 2013 at the Thyroid Cancer Center of the Sapienza University of...
  • Dataset


    The yeast dataset is a collection of yeast microarray expressions and phylogenetic profiles which can be used to learn the yeast gene functional categories. One row of this...
    • arff
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  • Dataset

    Mobility index for local quarantines in Chile

    Fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, most countries have implemented non-pharmaceutical interventions like wearing masks, physical distancing, lockdown, and travel restrictions....
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  • Dataset

    Testing NBA dataset

    Just for platform reviewing
    • CSV
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  • Dataset

    Wyscout soccer-logs dataset

    A dataset of soccer-logs for all the main soccer leagues in the world, from season 2014/2015 to the current one.
    • xslx
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  • Dataset

    A public data set of spatio-temporal match events in soccer competitions

    Soccer analytics is attracting increasing interest in academia and industry, thanks to the availability of sensing technologies that provide high-fidelity data streams for every...
    • JSON
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    • text/x-python
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  • Experiment

    Self-Rated Health Among Italian Immigrants Living in Norway: A Cross-Sectiona...

    Most of the respondents (69%) rated their Health as “good” or “very good”. This figure was not significantly different with the Norwegian population, nor to the Italians...
  • Experiment

    Minimizing Hitting Time between Disparate Groups with Shortcut Edges

    Experiments on real-world datasets to evaluate the effectiveness of the algorithms proposed in paper...
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  • Method

    A Narrative Review for a Machine Learning Application in Sports: An Example B...

    In the last decade, the number of studies about machine learning algorithms applied to sports, e.g., injury forecasting and athlete performance prediction, have rapidly...