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  • Method

    Fuzzy Logic Visual Network (FLVN): A neuro-symbolic approach for visual featu...

    Neuro-symbolic integration aims at harnessing the power of symbolic knowledge representation combined with the learning capabilities of deep neural networks. In particular,...
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    Epidemic Sentiment Analysis

    This tool is a sentiment analysis framework inspired by models of epidemic spreading, which aims to extend sentiment-tagged lexicons. It is easily extendable to multiple...
  • Method

    Prediction of next career moves from scientific profiles

    This is a two-stage predictive model for the mobility of scientists. First, data mining is used to predict which researcher will move in the next year on the basis of their...
  • Method

    Economic Integration Model

    This model allows to understand the integration process of immigrants starting from retail data. Under development.
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    Nowcasting migration stocks and flows

    This method nowcasts migration stocks and flows by using Twitter data. Under development.
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    Superdiversity and Sentiment

    This method analysises the effect of the migration phenomena on the sentiment of a community. Under development.
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    Twitter preprocessor

    Tokeniser, lemmatiser, extraction of negation. Under development.
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    Modelling Scientific Migration

    This method is an adaptation of the general migration models to understand scientific migration. Under development.
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    Data-driven ranking of soccer teams

    A methodology per ranking soccer teams based on soccer logs
  • Method

    Injury forecaster for soccer players

    An algorithm to forecast the injuries of soccer players given their training workload
  • Method

    Soccer teams ranking simulator

    This algorithm simulates the outcomes of an entire season of each team of a football league only relying on technical data (i.e., excluding the goals scored), by exploiting a...
  • Method

    Digital DNA fingerprinting

    The "Digital DNA fingerprinting" is a spambot detection technique based on the "Digital DNA" online behavioral modeling technique. Given a set of Twitter user timelines, it is...
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    This resource is a segregation discovery method from both tabular and social network data.
  • Method


    It is a general method to determine the influence of social and mobility behavior over a specific geographical area in order to evaluate to what extent the current...
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  • Method

    Human Mobility Data Privacy Risk Estimator

    This method is a fast and flexible approach to estimate privacy risk in human mobility data. The idea is to train classifiers to capture the relation between individual...
  • Method

    Diary-based Trajectory Generator

    Ditras (DIary-based TRAjectory Simulator) is a framework to simulate the spatio-temporal patterns of human mobility. It operates in two steps: the generation of a mobility...
  • Method

    GSP - Geo-Semantic-Parsing

    GSP receives a text document as input and returns an enriched document, where all mentions of places/locations are associated to the corresponding geographic coordinates. To...