35 items found

Tags: Web data

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    Private Cybersecurity NER BERT-base-cased model

    This method includes a Python script and files of a BERT-base-cased model fine-tuned on our Cybersecurity NER dataset. The method requires as input a list of sentences that...
  • Method

    Cybersecurity NER RoBERTa-base model

    This method includes a Python script and files of a RoBERTa-base model fine-tuned on our Cybersecurity NER dataset. The method requires as input a list of sentences that will...
    • JSON
      The resource: 'config' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • TXT
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    • BIN
      The resource: 'model' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • JSON
      The resource: 'model_args' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • ZIP
      The resource: 'scheduler' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • JSON
      The resource: 'special_tokens_map' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • JSON
      The resource: 'tokenizer_config' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • ZIP
      The resource: 'training_args' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • JSON
      The resource: 'tokenizer' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • JSON
      The resource: 'vocab' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • ZIP
      The resource: 'optimizer' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • py
      The resource: 'inference' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Method

    Cybersecurity NER SecureBERT model

    This method includes a Python script and files of a SecureBERT model fine-tuned on our Cybersecurity NER dataset. The method requires as input a list of sentences that will be...
    • JSON
      The resource: 'config' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • TXT
      The resource: 'merges' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • BIN
      The resource: 'model' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • JSON
      The resource: 'model_args' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • ZIP
      The resource: 'optimizer' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • ZIP
      The resource: 'scheduler' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • JSON
      The resource: 'special_tokens_map' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • JSON
      The resource: 'tokenizer' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • JSON
      The resource: 'tokenizer_config' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • ZIP
      The resource: 'training_args' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • TXT
      The resource: 'vocab' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • text/x-python
      The resource: 'inference' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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    Private Dynamical Linear Upper Confidence Bound (DynLin-UCB)

    The repository contains the code to run DynLin-UCB (Dynamical Linear Upper Confidence Bound). DynLin-UCB is an optimistic regret-minimization algorithm that can be used to...
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    Private Cybersecurity NER dataset

    Our dataset is created by merging APTNER and CyNER datasets, containing 13601 sentences, 347779 tokens, and 37684 entities. The split ratio was roughly 70% for training and...
  • Dataset

    Spotify Tracks Dataset (full)

    The dataset is created exploiting the Spotify API and the tracks id provided by the authors of https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/maharshipandya/-spotify-tracks-dataset.... The...
    • The resource: 'std_full' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Dataset

    Spotify track dataset (small)

    The dataset is created exploiting the Spotify API and the tracks id provided by the authors of https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/maharshipandya/-spotify-tracks-dataset.... The...
    • ZIP
      The resource: 'std_small' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Dataset

    Air Quality Datasets over L'Aquila Region

    These datasets have been collected through ESA, CeTEMPS and ARTA. They are a work-in-progress deliverable of a virtual laboratory (VL-Disaster) in the context of the SoBigData.
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    Private Smart Cities Weather and Pollution conditions

    A set of weather and climatic conditions gathered during the Toolsmart PoN project ( Open Community PA 2020 – Pon Governance 2014-2020). Data are obtained from IoT based...
  • Dataset


    The GiveMeSomeCredit dataset - https://www.kaggle.com/c/GiveMeSomeCredit - contains different features of borrowers. The task is predicting the financial distress of a...
    • ZIP
      The resource: 'GiveMeSomeCreditSC' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Dataset

    Santorini Tweets July-August 2021

    This dataset contains 225.501 tweets written by 141.277 users. These tweets are geolocated in Santorini, or they contain the word or the hashtag "santorini" in the text. They...
    • ZIP
      The resource: 'tweet_santorini.csv' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Dataset

    HANSEN: Spoken Text Authorship Analysis

    HANSEN encom- passes meticulous curation of existing speech datasets accompanied by transcripts, along- side the creation of novel AI-generated spo- ken text datasets....
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  • TrainingMaterial

    Introduction to Data Curation

    This course is an introduction to data collection, data preparation & transformation and data analysis. It contains the essential concepts for a researcher in order to...
    • PDF
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  • Dataset


    The yeast dataset is a collection of yeast microarray expressions and phylogenetic profiles which can be used to learn the yeast gene functional categories. One row of this...
    • arff
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  • Dataset

    Medical Dataset

    The medical dataset contains a corpus of fully anonymized clinical text. Each document in the corpus is associated with a set of ICD-9 codes which represents the diagnosis...
    • ZIP
      The resource: 'Medical Dataset' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
    • CSV
      The resource: 'Churn Dataset' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Dataset

    German Credit

    In the german credit dataset each one of the 1,000 persons is classified as a good or bad creditor according to attributes like age, sex, checking_account, credit_amount,...
    • CSV
      The resource: 'German Credit' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Dataset


    The compas dataset contains the features used by the COMPAS algorithm for scoring defendants and their risk (Low, Medium and High), for over $4,000$ individuals. We considered...
    • CSV
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  • Dataset

    Dataset Adult

    The adult dataset includes $48,842$ instances with demographic information like age, workclass, marital-status, race, capital-loss, capital-gain etc. The income attribute...
    • CSV
      The resource: 'Adult' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
  • Dataset

    Official administrative information of Tuscany

    The data contains the spatial partitioning of Tuscany and some statistical information published by the Italian Statistical Bureau.
    • LOD
      The resource: 'Linked Open Data' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!