181 items found

Types: Dataset

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  • Dataset

    The Hackernews dataset

    This corpus has been extracted from The Hacker News website (https://thehackernews.com), a CS news platform that attracts over 8 million readers monthly, which is daily...
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  • Dataset

    Wind power generation in Tuscany

    The dataset contains the expected power generation profile of a set of Wind generators positioned in Tuscany with a nominal power of 4 MWp. The generation profile has been...
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  • Dataset

    Solar power generation in Tuscany

    The dataset contains the expected power generation profile of a set of photovoltaic generators positioned in Tuscany with a nominal power of 4 MWp. The generation profile has...
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  • Dataset

    Solar Power generation in Marche

    The dataset contains the expected power generation profile of a set of photovoltaic generators positioned in Tuscany with a nominal power of 4 MWp. The generation profile has...
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  • Dataset

    Municipality Transition index in Spain

    Computation of the Municipality Transition Index (MTI) in Spain. Data are collected according to the method described in according to the paper: Alessio Muscillo, Simona Re,...
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  • Dataset

    Wind power generation in Marche

    The dataset contains the expected power generation profile of a set of Wind generators positioned in Marche with a nominal power of 4 MWp. The generation profile has been...
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  • Dataset

    Municipality Transition index in Italy

    Computation of the Municipality Transition Index (MTI) in Italy. Data are collected according to the method described in according to the paper: Alessio Muscillo, Simona Re,...
  • Dataset

    Dataset of "South America" users interactions in Twitter, to evaluate polarit...

    A dataset collecting Twitter interactions between generic users self-declaring in one of the following countries: Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela, to evaluate the polarity of...
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  • Dataset

    Dataset of "Northern EU" users interactions in Twitter, to evaluate polarity ...

    A dataset collecting Twitter interactions between generic users self-declaring in one of the following countries: Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, to evaluate the polarity of...
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  • Dataset

    Dataset of "West Africa" users interactions in Twitter, to evaluate polarity ...

    A dataset collecting Twitter interactions between generic users self-declaring in one of the following countries: Nigeria, Senegal, Ghana, to evaluate the polarity of their...
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  • Dataset

    Dataset of "Mediterranean" users interactions in Twitter, to evaluate polarit...

    A dataset collecting Twitter interactions between generic users self-declaring in one of the following countries: Spain, France, Italy, Greece, to evaluate the polarity of...
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  • Dataset

    Dataset of generic users interactions in Twitter, to evaluate polarity of rel...

    A dataset collecting Twitter interactions between generic users, to evaluate the polarity of their social relationships at the level of ego networks. Generic users serve as a...
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  • Dataset

    The subTHz regime, first Results on channel measurement: 500-750 GHz

    The measurements have been conducted using a Keysight PNA Vector Analyzer connected to a pair of VDI Extenders for the frequency bands 500-750 GHz (W-band). IF bandwidth has...
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  • Dataset

    World Trade Web_2000

    Weighted, directed adjacency matrix of the World Trade Web in the year 2000
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  • Dataset

    Wi-Fi channel frequency response database for contactless human activity reco...

    This database collects the channel frequency response (CFR) vectors captured through the Nexmon CSI extraction tool from an Asus RT-AC86U IEEE 802.11ac Wi-Fi router working with...
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  • Dataset

    Spotify Tracks Dataset (full)

    The dataset is created exploiting the Spotify API and the tracks id provided by the authors of https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/maharshipandya/-spotify-tracks-dataset.... The...
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  • Dataset

    Spotify track dataset (small)

    The dataset is created exploiting the Spotify API and the tracks id provided by the authors of https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/maharshipandya/-spotify-tracks-dataset.... The...
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  • Dataset

    Air Quality Datasets over L'Aquila Region

    These datasets have been collected through ESA, CeTEMPS and ARTA. They are a work-in-progress deliverable of a virtual laboratory (VL-Disaster) in the context of the SoBigData.
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    Private Smart Cities Weather and Pollution conditions

    A set of weather and climatic conditions gathered during the Toolsmart PoN project ( Open Community PA 2020 – Pon Governance 2014-2020). Data are obtained from IoT based...
  • Dataset

    Compounds with Activity against the Dopamine D2 Receptor

    Database containing compounds active against the dopamine D2 receptor together with random inactive compounds as negative samples for learning purposes. Train, validation, and...
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