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  • Dataset


    This dataset contains 4176 non-empty official public EU legal judgments that were finalized between 2008 and 2018, categorized in one or more subject matters, that fall within...
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    Private Highway driving simulation

    The SUMO simulator is used to model scenarios with diferent road topologies and traffc intensities, randomizing the fow of vehicles, to ensure the generation of sufciently...
  • Dataset

    Know your trees dataset

    A set of images of urban trees in Tortona specifically focusing on images of trees, leaves, bark and habits along with general information, taxonomy, and selected biometric...
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      The resource: 'Dataset Know Your Trees ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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    Private Twitter users retweet

    The dataset was collected using the tweepy API (http://docs.tweepy.org), a Python library for accessing the Twitter API. We selected 14 Twitter accounts, and we obtained all...
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    Private Smart Cities Weather and Pollution conditions

    A set of weather and climatic conditions gathered during the Toolsmart PoN project ( Open Community PA 2020 – Pon Governance 2014-2020). Data are obtained from IoT based...