9 items found

Groups: Sustainable Cities for Citizens Tags: Network analysis

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  • Method

    Epidemic Sentiment Analysis

    This tool is a sentiment analysis framework inspired by models of epidemic spreading, which aims to extend sentiment-tagged lexicons. It is easily extendable to multiple...
  • Method

    Economic Integration Model

    This model allows to understand the integration process of immigrants starting from retail data. Under development.
  • Method

    Nowcasting migration stocks and flows

    This method nowcasts migration stocks and flows by using Twitter data. Under development.
  • Method

    Modelling Scientific Migration

    This method is an adaptation of the general migration models to understand scientific migration. Under development.
  • Dataset

    WEIBO interactions

    This dataset is obtained from the 2012 WISE Challenge: built upon the logs of the popular Chinese micro-blog service WEIBO, its interactions represent mentions of users in...
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  • Dataset

    Micro Project Datasets: Academic Migration and Academic Networks

    Datasets used and produced for and from the micro project titled: Academic Migration and Academic Networks: Evidence from Scholarly Big Data and the Iron Curtain
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    Private Internal migration and mobile communication patterns among pairs with strong ...

    Using large-scale call detail records of anonymised mobile phone service subscribers with demographic and location information, we investigate how a long-distance residential...
  • Method

    Micro Project Methods: Academic Migration and Academic Networks

    Methods used for the micro-project titled: Academic Migration and Academic Networks: Evidence from Scholarly Big Data and the Iron Curtain
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  • Experiment

    Micro Project Experiments: Academic Migration and Academic Networks

    The experiments and results material for the micro project titled Academic Migration and Academic Networks: Evidence from Scholarly Big Data and the Iron Curtain
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