105 items found

Licenses: Academic Free License 3.0 Groups: sobigdata-eu Types: Dataset

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    Private Air Traffic Data International Mobility Indicators for the UK

    The Air Traffic Data International Mobility Indicators for the UK results from the investigation on air passenger data. Starting from air passenger traffic volumes from each...
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    Private Cybersecurity NER dataset

    Our dataset is created by merging APTNER and CyNER datasets, containing 13601 sentences, 347779 tokens, and 37684 entities. The split ratio was roughly 70% for training and...
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    Last.Fm UK User Graph Dataset: A Social Network and Music Listening Behavior ...

    The Last.Fm UK User Graph Dataset is a comprehensive collection of social network and music listening behavior data obtained from the Last.Fm platform. The dataset includes user...
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    Private A Decade of Reddit Politics: Comprehensive Dataset on User Political Leanings...

    "A Decade of Reddit Politics: Comprehensive Dataset on User Political Leanings and Interaction Networks (2011-2021)" is a comprehensive dataset containing a 10 years long...
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    Brexit dataset

    This dataset comprises a set of online footprints extracted from Twitter using the available APIs. It is centered around the Brexit debate on Twitter from the 2nd until the...
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    Private RF UAVs in anechoic chamber at different distances.

    Dataset containing measurements of RF signals from two DJI M100 UAVs using a USRP X310 in an anechoic chamber. I/Q samples were exclusively collected in the downlink channel....
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    Solar power generation in Tuscany

    The dataset contains the expected power generation profile of a set of photovoltaic generators positioned in Tuscany with a nominal power of 4 MWp. The generation profile has...
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    World Trade Web_2000

    Weighted, directed adjacency matrix of the World Trade Web in the year 2000
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    Spotify Tracks Dataset (full)

    The dataset is created exploiting the Spotify API and the tracks id provided by the authors of https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/maharshipandya/-spotify-tracks-dataset.... The...
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    Spotify track dataset (small)

    The dataset is created exploiting the Spotify API and the tracks id provided by the authors of https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/maharshipandya/-spotify-tracks-dataset.... The...
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    Air Quality Datasets over L'Aquila Region

    These datasets have been collected through ESA, CeTEMPS and ARTA. They are a work-in-progress deliverable of a virtual laboratory (VL-Disaster) in the context of the SoBigData.
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    Synthetic Datasets for Fine-Grained Fairness Analysis of Abusive Language Det...

    Three synthetic datasets covering different types of bias grouped by target, namely sexism, racism and ableism. The reason for distinguishing the records by abuse targets is...
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    The GiveMeSomeCredit dataset - https://www.kaggle.com/c/GiveMeSomeCredit - contains different features of borrowers. The task is predicting the financial distress of a...
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    Synthetic Dataset for Causal Analysis

    The dataset is a synthetic version of the well-known German Credit dataset (https://archive.ics.uci.edu/dataset/144/statlog+german+credit+data). It includes variables such as...
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    Lexical networks from Swedish news articles

    The dataset includes lexical networks centered on keywords related to migration. The networks are built starting from Swedish news articles extracted from the dataset described...
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    Lexical networks from Croatian news articles

    The dataset includes lexical networks centered on keywords related to migration. The networks are built starting from Croatian news articles extracted from the dataset...
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    Lexical networks from Finnish news articles

    The dataset includes lexical networks centered on keywords related to migration. The networks are built starting from Finnish news articles extracted from the dataset...
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    FAIR-SWENG: dataset on gender fairness in software engineering academic lands...

    The dataset contains academic performance metrics of Software Engineers worldwide.
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    The subTHz regime, channel measurements with no line-of-sight conditions in t...

    Dataset of channel measurements obtained in the frequency band 170-260 GHz in non line-of-sight conditions. The measurements have been conducted using a Keysight PNA Vector...
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    Semantic Networks from news articles (German sample)

    The Semantic Networks from news articles (German sample) contains semantic networks for a sample of migration-related news articles extracted from the dataset described in...
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