4 items found

Groups: Health Studies Tags: Text mining

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  • Dataset

    DNA 12-mers

    A 179 MB dataset containing all the ~14M unique 12-mers in the DNA sequences available in the Pizza&Chili Corpus (https://pizzachili.dcc.uchile.cl/texts.html). This dataset...
    • ZIP
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  • Method

    Gene-specific regularization for COPD partial-correlation estimation

    We introduce a gene-specific regularization factor when computing the Partial Correlation score to make the indeterminate regression feasible. We decided to slightly modify...
  • TrainingMaterial

    Introduction to Data Curation

    This course is an introduction to data collection, data preparation & transformation and data analysis. It contains the essential concepts for a researcher in order to...
    • PDF
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  • Dataset

    BioTAGME: A comprehensive platform for biological knowledge network analysis

    This Network was built through BioTAGME, a system that combines TAGME, an entity-annotation framework based on Wikipedia corpus with a network-based inference methodology (i.e.,...