27 items found

Availability: On-Site Groups: Sustainable Cities for Citizens

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  • Dataset

    Municipality Transition index in Spain

    Computation of the Municipality Transition Index (MTI) in Spain. Data are collected according to the method described in according to the paper: Alessio Muscillo, Simona Re,...
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  • Dataset

    Municipality Transition index in Italy

    Computation of the Municipality Transition Index (MTI) in Italy. Data are collected according to the method described in according to the paper: Alessio Muscillo, Simona Re,...
  • TrainingMaterial

    Introduction to Data Curation

    This course is an introduction to data collection, data preparation & transformation and data analysis. It contains the essential concepts for a researcher in order to...
    • PDF
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  • Method

    Epidemic Sentiment Analysis

    This tool is a sentiment analysis framework inspired by models of epidemic spreading, which aims to extend sentiment-tagged lexicons. It is easily extendable to multiple...
  • Method

    Prediction of next career moves from scientific profiles

    This is a two-stage predictive model for the mobility of scientists. First, data mining is used to predict which researcher will move in the next year on the basis of their...
  • Method

    Economic Integration Model

    This model allows to understand the integration process of immigrants starting from retail data. Under development.
  • Method

    Nowcasting migration stocks and flows

    This method nowcasts migration stocks and flows by using Twitter data. Under development.
  • Method

    Superdiversity and Sentiment

    This method analysises the effect of the migration phenomena on the sentiment of a community. Under development.
  • Method

    Twitter preprocessor

    Tokeniser, lemmatiser, extraction of negation. Under development.
  • Method

    Modelling Scientific Migration

    This method is an adaptation of the general migration models to understand scientific migration. Under development.
  • Dataset

    Car sharing dataset

    The dataset comprises pickup and drop-off times and locations of vehicles in 10 European cities for one of the major free-floating car sharing operator. For nine of these...
  • Dataset

    City-to-city migration

    Census data recording the migration of people between metropolitan areas in the US
  • Dataset

    Call Data Record District of Pisa 2013 October

    The dataset contains mobile phone records collected in the provinces of Pisa, Lucca, Livorno and Firenze in October 2013. It contains about 60 mln of Call Data Records (CDR),...
  • Dataset

    CDR Data - Rome

    The dataset contains mobile phone records collected in Rome between November 2015 and August 2016. It contains Call Data Records (CDRs) of phone users, and the corresponding...
  • Dataset

    CDR data - Tuscany

    The dataset contains mobile phone records collected in Tuscany between September 2015 and August 2016. It contains Call Data Records (CDRs) of phone users, and the corresponding...
  • Dataset

    GPS Tracks - Calabria, Italy 2012

    The dataset consists of GPS tracks of private vehicles collected in Calabria region (Italy). It counts about 28 mln of trajectories of about 115.000 users. Data are in the...
  • Dataset

    GPS Tracks Pisa - Italy 2010

    The dataset consists of 1.4 mln of GPS tracks of private vehicles in Tuscany in the area of Pisa. Data have been collected from 2010-12-01 to 2010-12-31.
  • Dataset

    GPS Tracks Tuscany by volunteers

    This dataset contains GPS trajectories provided by volunteers travelling in Tuscany from 2014-05-20 to 2014-09-30. Besides the tracks, the volunteers provided annotations about...
  • Dataset

    Flickr and Wikipedia Tourism Trajectories

    The dataset contains a knowledge base built with data coming from Flickr and Wikipedia. It covers three Italian cities which are important from a sightseeing point of view and...
    • ZIP
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  • Dataset

    Soccer Team Performance

    The dataset contains the performance features (passes, shots, goals, tackles, ecc) of soccer teams during the games of six major European leagues in three seasons. The dataset...