25 items found

Associate Project: FAIR Groups: sobigdata-eu Organisations: SoBigData Services and Products

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  • Dataset

    Integrating Direct Intracranial Stimulation with the Human Connectome

    Cortical and subcortical direct electrical stimulation (DES) coordinates in MNI space, anonymized patients’ demographic data, and aggregated functional maps for the 12...
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  • Method

    Fuzzy Logic Visual Network (FLVN): A neuro-symbolic approach for visual featu...

    Neuro-symbolic integration aims at harnessing the power of symbolic knowledge representation combined with the learning capabilities of deep neural networks. In particular,...
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  • Method

    A Backpack Full of Skills: Egocentric Video Understanding with Diverse Task P...

    Human comprehension of a video stream is naturally broad: in a few instants, we are able to understand what is happening, the relevance and relationship of objects, and...
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  • Method

    PEM: Prototype-based Efficient MaskFormer for Image Segmentation

    Prototype-based Efficient MaskFormer (PEM) is an efficient transformer-based architecture that can operate in multiple segmentation tasks. PEM proposes a novel prototype-based...
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  • Method

    Bringing Online Egocentric Action Recognition into the wild

    To enable a safe and effective human-robot cooperation, it is crucial to develop models for the identification of human activities. Egocentric vision seems to be a viable...
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    Private Generative Datalog

    Generative Datalog is an extension of Datalog that incorporates constructs for referencing parameterized probability distributions. This augmentation transforms the evaluation...
  • Dataset

    Human and mouse gene regulatory networks

    The dataset was built by considering gene expression data related to 6 different organs (liver, lung, brain, skin, bone marrow, heart), obtained by control samples available...
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  • Dataset

    Stroke and sepsi

    The considered stroke dataset (DOI:10.17632/x8ygrw87jw.1, DOI:10.1016/j.artmed.2019.101723) was pre-processed by removing attributes with more than 30% missing values, by...
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  • Dataset

    Bark Beetle Outbreak Czech Republic

    Repository containing satellite dataset created for bark beetle outbreak detection in satellite (Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2) images. The dataset refer to scenes observed in...
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  • Dataset


    This dataset contains 4176 non-empty official public EU legal judgments that were finalized between 2008 and 2018, categorized in one or more subject matters, that fall within...
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    Private mamtorch library

    Python Multiply-And-Max/min (MAM) torch-compatible kernel library (https://github.com/SSIGPRO/mamtorch). With this library, it is possible to substitute standard neurons with...
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    Private Vegetation of a basin of the Po river Dataset

    We provide two climatological dataset composed by D = 136 (with 1038 samples) and D = 1991 (with 981 samples) continuous climatological features and a scalar target, which...
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    Private Dynamical Linear Upper Confidence Bound (DynLin-UCB)

    The repository contains the code to run DynLin-UCB (Dynamical Linear Upper Confidence Bound). DynLin-UCB is an optimistic regret-minimization algorithm that can be used to...
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    Private EnviroStream

    This repository contains datasets, queries and a generator for the EnviroStream, a benchmark for Stream Reasoning (SR) systems. SR focuses on applying inference to dynamic...
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    Private Environmental Monitoring of Fluorescence Response

    We study a novel sequential decision-making setting, namely the dissimilarity bandits. At each round, the learner pulls an arm that provides a stochastic d-dimensional...
  • Dataset

    Italian Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV)

    This dataset contains 5M pairs of Italian tender descriptions and the corresponding Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) code. The data are downloaded from the ANAC website...
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  • Dataset


    This dataset is obtained by automatically translating the dolly 15k dataset. The dolly-15k dataset is an open-source dataset of instruction-following records generated by...
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  • Dataset

    EVALITA 2020 HT

    This dataset is obtained by transforming the training and test data of the two EVALITA tasks into an LLM prompt following a template. The tasks involved are AMI2020 (misogyny...
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  • Experiment

    EnviroStream (Benchmark)

    Stream Reasoning (SR) focuses on developing advanced approaches for applying inference to dynamic data streams; it has become increasingly relevant in various application...
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    Private Battery State of Health in smart grids Dataset

    Smart Grids are the evolution of traditional electric grids and allow two-way flows of electricity and information between different actors. At the edge of this network,...