10 items found

Types: Method Availability: On-Line Groups: Demography, Economy and Finance 2.0

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  • Method

    Online Learning of Order Flow and Market Impact (OLOFMI)

    This library performs regime detection in the aggregated order flow time-series and market impact analysis. The required input file is in the format of the message file of the...
  • Method

    Score-Driven Bayesian Online Change Point Detection (SD-BOCPD)

    This code deals with Bayesian online detection in univariate time-series of changepoints, i.e. abrupt variations in the generative parameters of a data, and regimes, i.e....
  • Method

    Estimating countries' peace index with GDELT

    We use news media attention from the Global Data of Events, Location and Tone (GDELT) database, as a proxy for estimating Global Peace Index (GPI), to complement the knowledge...
  • Method

    Ground truth evaluation of home location detection algorithms

    Inferring mobile phone users' home location, i.e., assigning a location in space to a user based on data generated by the mobile phone network, is a central task in leveraging...
  • Method

    TARS based prediction for Next Basket

    Nowadays, a hot challenge for supermarket chains is to offer personalized services to their customers. Market basket prediction, i.e., supplying the customer a shopping list...
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    DebtRank Systemic Risk Estimation Method

    The DebtRank algorithm is used to estimate the impact of shocks in financial networks, as it overcomes the limitations of the traditional default-cascade approaches.The method...
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    Estimating Collective Wellbeing

    This method estimates the wellbeing of a country by using an alternative measure to GDP. The proposed measure is the average sophistication of the satisfiable needs of a...
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    Influence of missing RR-Intervals caused by motion artifacts on HRV features ...

    Wearable physiological monitors have become increasingly popular, often worn during people’s daily life, collecting data 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In the last decade,...
  • Method

    Nowcasting well-being with human mobility data

    This method describes an analytical framework to nowcast well-being by using mobility measures extracted from mobile phone data.
  • Method

    Analysis of changes in visits to public venues during the COVID-19 pandemic

    The non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), aimed at reducing the diffusion of the COVID-19 pandemic, has dramatically influenced our behaviour in everyday life. We developed...