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Types: TrainingMaterial Groups: e-Learning Tags: Web data

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    Introduction to Data Curation

    This course is an introduction to data collection, data preparation & transformation and data analysis. It contains the essential concepts for a researcher in order to...
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    Explaining Explanation Methods

    The most effective Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems exploit complex machine learning models to fulfill their tasks due to their high performance. Unfortunately, the most...
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    SoBigData Plus Plus e-infrastructure

    In this webinar, we introduce you to the SoBigData R.I. Are shown the main features of the SoBigData R.I. It is explained how to integrate a new method, how to execute an...
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    Interactive Learning Environments

    King’s College London developed a variety of data science materials based on R and Python. R is a de facto standard in statistical computing and visualisation, while our...
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    Efficiency - Effectiveness Trade-offs in Learning to Rank

    This tutorial provides an 'Introduction to Learning to Rank' and focuses on 'Dealing with the Efficiency/Effectiveness trade-off in Web Search'. Moreover, it provides two...
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    • python
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    • python
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    Jupyter Notebooks

    King’s College London has developed complete stories around Jupyter Notebooks that form easy recipes for reproducible methods in social data science. Jupyter...
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      The resource: 'Prediction Modelling ...' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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      The resource: 'Social Sensing Repository' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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      The resource: 'Visual Arts Repository' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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      The resource: 'Ananke Guide' is not accessible as guest user. You must login to access it!
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